Monday 7 February 2011

"fashion fades, only style remains the same"

I think it's important that I begin with a bit of a disclaimer: Smarten Up is not a 'fashion' blog per se- I'm not a fashion student, nor a fashion industry insider, and I certainly don't consider myself the very first to unearth the edgiest of new designers/global street style/trends etc. 
I am, however, a lover of clothes, of style history and of the power of a carefully crafted ensemble to reflect one's mood, persona and/or subcultural identity. Whether it's haute couture of the 1970s, the new collection from Topshop, the typical garb of early 80s new wave girl bands, treasures found in a grandmother's wardrobe or relics from a costume museum, I love to wax lyrical about the wonder and relevance of style.
I especially enjoy reading about and researching clothing and style, from lush coffee table fashion books to more academic texts on theories of style and culture, and of course, I love to share what I find inspiring with likeminded souls!
So in essence, what I hope to begin with this blog is to create a space where I can (somewhat coherently...) put down some of my thoughts, opinions and passions about style, identity and life in general... and perhaps even generate a little conversation...

Optimistically... h x

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